Ohio state Rep. Kris Jordan, dead at 46, February 25, 2023

Catholic Church Government Jesuit Murder by Numbers News



Kris Jordan is dead on the 56th day of the year, a day with 70 date numerology.
2/25/2023 = 2+25+20+23 = 70
Society of Jesus = 56
56 is 70 in base-8 counting
Kris Jordan = 70 / 119
Vatican = 70 / 119
Francis = 70 / 119

Today is 70 days after Kris Jordan’s birthday.

He is dead at 46.
Sacrifice = 46
Catholic = 46

He was in his 47th year of life.
Ohio = 47
Vatican = 47
Francis = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47

He has died 42 days after his birthday as well.
Jesuit = 42

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