One unnamed person killed by unnamed shooter at George Floyd memorial, March 6, 2021, says Minneapolis police, right before the start of the murder trial, March 8

News Police State Racism Shooting Weather

As you read the story, notice the multiple layers of BS.

Minnesota = 38 *Death = 38 *Murder = 38 *Killing = 38 *RIP = 38
Chicago = 37 *Shooting = 37
Chicago = 46 *Sacrifice = 46
*George Floyd was 46 *Houston, Texas = 46 *John Elder = 46

With regards to George Floyd being from Houston, Texas, and killed on the corner of 38th Street, notice it was a span of 38 weeks from his supposed killing, May 25, 2020, to the date many homeless people no doubt froze to death in Houston, February 14, 2021, in the Valentine’s Day power outage caused by extreme weather.

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266
George Perry Floyd = 201 *The Jesuit Order = 201

Read more about 38, death and murder here.

And tomorrow, March 8, or 3/8, the George Floyd murder trial will begin for Derek Chauvin and the other responsible officers. Also, don’t overlook that this happened on March 6, or 6/3, like 63. *Racism = 63

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