Operation Global Guardian & Vigilant Guardian, September 11, 2001

History Military Terrorism


Operation Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian were taking place on September 11, 2001, and the drills were used as excuses for the failed response to the attack on that day.

Notice the gematria of ‘Vigilant Guardian’.

Osama bin Laden = 79 *Society of Jesus = 79

263, 56th prime *Society of Jesus = 56

And don’t forget the flights that hit targets on 9/11 were numbered 11, 77 and 175. 11+77+175 = 263

*Operation Global Guardian = 111

*September 11 leaves 111 days in the year


  1. GregRamsey74 on January 15, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    “Operation Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian” = 709 (Reverse Ordinal) – 709 is the 127th prime(buildings 1,2, & 7

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