Palm Springs gets the worst of Tropical Storm Hilary, August 21, 2023 news

Notice the overlap with ‘Palm Springs’ and ‘Jesuit Order’ in light of the ongoing ritual.

Today has 72 date numerology.
8/21/2023 = 8+21+20+23 = 72
It also has 52 date numerology, and it is Hawaii’s birthday.
8/21/23 = 8+21+23 = 52
California = 52
Hurricane = 52
Flood = 52
*Enlil = 52
*Devil = 52
*Pope = 52
In addition to Palm Springs, notice “Cathedral City” also got blasted, and the Jesuits are Catholic.
Cathedral City = 129
129 is 201 in base-8 counting
Weather Control = 201, 177 & 69
The Jesuit Order = 201, 177 & 69
Today is 83 days before the Superior General’s birthday.
Flood = 83 & 52

And notice the 84 MPH wins for the first storm like this in California in ’84 years, at least so they say.

11.74 inches of rain in 48 hours is the record, eh?
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This news came 119-days before Pope Francis’s birthday.
“Francis” = 119
“Vatican” = 119
“Flood Water” = 119
“Palm Valley” = 119(Palm Springs former name)
This also came 123-days after the anniversary of Palm Springs’ incorporation.
“Conspiracy” = 123
Palm Springs was originally known as ‘Agua Caliente,’ meaning ‘hot water.’
“Agua Caliente” = 72
“Hot Water” = 43
10/26/2023 = 10+26+2+0+2+3 = 43(Hillary’s birthday)
This came 21-days after the death anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola.
“Jesuit” = 21
Or a span of 22-days.
“Water” = 22
“Jesuits” = 22
This also came 63-days before his birthday anniversary.
“Palm Springs” = 63
This came 66-days before Hillary Clinton’s birthday.
“Rain” = 66
“Woman” = 66
“Number of the Beast” = 66
Or a span of 67-days from her birthday, which also leaves a span of 67-days remaining in the year.
“Water” = 67