Papers drop ‘Dilbert’ cartoon over creators remarks about Black Americans being a hate group, February 25, 2023 news

This news was big on Saturday, February 25, 2023, a date with 70 numerology.
2/25/2023 = 2+25+20+23 = 70
Dilbert = 70
Racist = 70
White = 70

Keep in mind these headlines were viral 70 days after the Pope’s birthday.
Francis = 70
Vatican = 70 / 25
Pope = 25
And this is part of an ongoing pattern I’ve been documenting for years…

Read more about the pattern of 70 in White Supremacist mass shootings here.
And keep in mind these more recent Dilbert headlines came on the 56th day of the year.
Society of Jesus = 56
Pope = 56
Keep in mind the creator’s name fits in with the 25th.
Scott Adams = 25 / 65
White = 29 / 65 / 70
Black = 29
It’s more news by the numbers, to program the masses.