Pebbles LaDime Doe killing becomes first federal hate crime towards transgender in history, February 23, 2024

Doe was killed at age 24, back in 2019, and now this story comes up to start ’24, in Black History Month.
Black History=181 (42nd prime) *Daqua Lameek Ritter=181
‘Hate crime’ has the 53 encode, like ‘transgender.’

It goes with the recent killing story of Nex Benedict, who died after being beaten at school on February 8, or 8/2, like 82.
This news comes 54 months after the killing, and on the 54th day of the year.
Jesuit Order=54
February 23 is something like 223, the 48th prime, and the killing was on 4/8, or 4th of August.
The killing was also on Obama’s birthday, who hired the first transgender employee in White House history. He was also the first president to routinely call his wife a man’s name, Michael, instead of Michelle.