Pentagon Mascal, the simulation of a plane flying into the Pentagon, October 24, 2000, 322 days before 9/11/2001
Mascal? Skull and Bones, 322? *Mascal = 41, Skull and Bones = 41
For the clincher, October 24 leaves 68 days in the year. Of course George W. Bush was a member of Skull and Bones and 9/11 happened on is 68th day of his age.
WTC construction began in ’68
9-1-1 was made the National Emergency Dialing Code in ’68
George W. Bush graduated from Skull and Bones in ’68
September 11th is the 68th day of Bush’s age each year
The Club of Rome was established in ’68
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Yesterday was 1-9 and the day leaving 356 days of the year. Joe Biden got his (perhaps fateful Covid shot) 12-21-20 , the 356th day of the year at 3:22pm. It was also 322 days after Beau Biden’s b-day who had died 5 years before.
356 is the sum of all the planes reported in the false flag 9-11-2001 operation.
The numerologies of this day are: 41, 14, 23
The reverse of 356 is 653. 653 is the 119th prime. Like 11/9 or 9/11.
356+653=1009, like 19, like how 19 highjackers were reported in mainstream, like how “they” operate in 19 year cycles.
1009 is the 169th prime. 169 is the 13th square.
1-9 can be written 9-1, like 91, the 13th triangular number. Of course 41 is the 13th prime.
356 fully reduced=5 as does 41, 23 and 14.
The 77 ft tall 5 sided monstrosity known as the Pentagon was struck by #77. 7+7=14, 1+4=5. The magic square pertaining to Mars is 5×5. It will be recalled that 555 days after “911” Iraq War II commenced. Each row column and diagonal of the Mars magic square sums to 65. Pandemic=65
“Pentagon Mascal” = 41 (Septenary)
“October 24, 2000” = 41 (Full Reduction)
“Terror” = 41 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“New Pearl Harbor” = 222 (Reverse Ordinal) – 222-months between 9/.11 & ‘Coronavirus Pandemic.’ Coronavirus(11-letters) 11th of Sep.
“September 11, 2001” = 145 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Catholic” = 145 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Dancing Israelis” = 144 (English Ordinal)
“Dancing Israelis” = 72 (Full Reduction)