Perry Mason, The Case of the Double-Entry Mind, October 18, 1962 (57 years before Event 201)
Perry Mason? $201,000? This reminds me of the sale of the Masonic lodge behind the Oklahoma City Federal Building that was sold for $201,000. As we know, that building blew on the big Jesuit anniversary date, April 19, 1995. And notice where ‘Perry Mason’ equates with ‘Jesuit Order.’
The Case of the Double-Entry Mind = 433 (84th prime)
The Jesuit Order = 84 / 201
-Beth Sandover = 191
-Society of Jesus = 191
And funny enough, this episode released on October 18, 1962, 57 years to the day of Event 201, the coronavirus pandemic simulation.
Event 201 was October 18, 2019.
As we know, October 18 leaves 74 days in the year, going with “Perry Mason.”
Masonic = 74
And it’s a day full of notable events and celebrations.
This one ties in with Event 201 and vaccine development.
Read more about October 18 in history here. As you’ll see, the date connects to the US securing Alaska from Russia, the telephone, the radio, DNA and more.
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oh my god
It’s called Novus Ordo Seclorum…
Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.
«The great order of the ages is born afresh.»
Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,
«Now justice returns, return of Saturn’s reign,»