PFIZER’s “Safe and Effective” Vaccine: In The Shadow of the Fasces

With the wide-spread celebration of the reported successful release of a COVID-19 vaccine by pharmaceutical drug giant Pfizer, it is important to address certain aspects of the story that we who challenge the official narrative on Corona virus are accused of being conspiracy theorists and misinformation agents for.

Evidence and basic reasoning is overwhelmingly on the side of those who are at least skeptical if not outright dismissive of the vaccine-necessity-and-safety narrative. Yet the overwhelming majority of the American public believes the official narrative and is in favor of a covid-19 vaccine. In George Orwell’s classic 1984 he describes this exact logical reversal with the fictional government’s motto: “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” If only the current world governments were fictional.
Basic facts About “90% Safe and Effective” Claim
- The study was done by Pfizer itself. No entity other than Pfizer witnessed or monitored the study. The government of the United States has an agreement with Pfizer to produce 100 million doses of the vaccine; a multi-billion dollar windfall profit. It is in Pfizer’s interest that any drug they produce is deemed “safe and effective.” The determination that the drug is super-safe was made by Pfizer itself yet praised by U.S. government virus Taskforce chief Anthony Fauci.
Conflict-of-interest: basic reasoning makes this point a win for “conspiracy theorists.”
- It was determined that 90% of participants showed no or mild symptoms which qualifies it as a “safe, effective drug.” What is the studies definition of “mild symptoms” or “severe symptoms” for that matter? Pfizer does not define them. Infertility leaves a person otherwise healthy; does that qualify as a “mild symptom?” What is the threshold for a “mild” to “severe” migraine?
There were side effects but Pfizer states that we can live them just fine in their opinion.
- Side effects can takes months and years to manifest. A weeks, at best months-long study is a ridiculously short monitoring period.
- The Pfizer vaccine is officially classified as an “EXPERIMENT.” In October of 2020 Pfizer filed an application with the Food and Drug Administration for for “Emergency Authorization” use of “EXPERIMENTAL” vaccine. This is why they – and other Covid vaccine and drug manufacturers – do not have to abide by the years (minimum 5) long, peer-reviewed protocol that is usually required for drug approval; it is a state-of-emergency measure that basically is a mechanism to by-bass democracy and rule-of-law.
- This entity being heralded as a savior of humanity is actually the exact opposite: an entity that, if there really was justice in American government, would have most of its executives doing hard time as convicted felons, and would either not exist or exist under a completely different structure and ethos.
Simply do a web-search on “PFIZER CRIMES AND SETTLEMENTS”
The list of stories is impressive.
From the FBI’s own website: The Case Against Pfizer, A Record $2.3 Billion Settlement
Pfizer faces DOJ, SEC foreign bribery probes for China, Russia operations
These are just two examples. Press the links within the link or do a web-search.
Other Examples:
- Pfizer settled an $894 million law suit for foreknowledge that its CELEBREX and DEXTRA pain medication caused heart disease.
- Pfizer’s ZOLOFT was found to cause birth defects.
- Pfizer has been found guilty of racketeering, price-fixing, bribery, taking Medicare kickbacks and Tax Avoidance.
This is who most of the American public has blind trust in and is embracing as its savior. Mainstream media gets its wealth from corporate advertisers like Pfizer who then control its narratives. Corporations put politicians into office who then do their bidding once in office; essentially we have had a successful corporate coup of the U.S. government.

Italian dictator Benito Mussollini believed that corporatism was the foundation of a fascist system.
The writing has been on the wall literally with the Roman/Jesuit symbol of Fascism, the fasces represented in large sculptures behind the Speaker’s chair and lecturn in the House of Representatives.

Corporate giants and the U.S. government are a revolving-door of personnel as exemplified by Donald Trump’s FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb who after leaving office went straight to the Pfizer Board of Directors.
So it is no surprise that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden (Kamala Harris) are in favor of vaccination of the United States’ and world’s population; an official “experiment” that renders all Americans guinea pigs.
More Damning Vaccine News
The World Health Organization – not a fringe “conspiracy” outlet – this summer (2020) determined that polio vaccines backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and administered primarily in Sudan, but also in the Horn of Africa and other parts of Africa, caused polio in recipients.
In other words: healthy people who were vaccinated to prevent polio contracted polio from the vaccine.
The evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of opponents of the official Covid/pro vaccine narrative. This is just a fraction of it.
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH: Successful Perception Manipulation by Dictatorship
Pfizer is a monster bereft of humanity that is perceived by the public to be an empathetic savior. This is the result of successful psychological operations and perception management as described in the book 1984. perfectly explains the 1984 quote IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH which perfectly explains the current U.S. zeitgeist:
“By weakening the independence and strength of individuals’ minds and forcing them to live in a constant state of propaganda-induced fear, the Party is able to force its subjects to accept anything it decrees, even if it is entirely illogical”
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People I know are positively giddy about this vaccine. One of them even made a “papers please” joke about checking everyone’s status, as a GOOD thing! It’s sick and sad 😒