Pittsburgh synagogue shooter who killed 11 worshipers is sentenced to death, August 2, 2023
This news comes 86 days before the anniversary of the shooting.
Synagogue Shooting = 86
86 means to get rid of. Think of Hiroshima, on August 6.
Jesuits = 86
Today is 1,740 days the shooting itself.
False Flag = 174
Number of the Beast = 174
New World Order = 174
-Eye of Providence = 86
-Symbol = 86
-Triangle = 86
-Pyramid = 86
Think of the Great Pyramid with the Eye of Providence on the US Dollar Bill and the Great Seal.
It goes with things like ‘New York’ and worldwide vaccination campaigns.
New York = 666
Vaccination = 666
You get those values in Sumerian Gematria.
Also, in terms of capital punishment and 86, recall how it applies to Timothy McVeigh.
The Rabbi’s name has curious Gematria, 187.
Rabbi Jeffrey Myers = 187
Abrahamic = 187
-187 chapters in Torah
Society of Jesus = 187
Holy Roman Empire = 187
Washington DC = 187
*George Washington = 187
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Zach today is International Jewish day.
Lol these fuckers make it so obvious.