Plutonium, Atomic Number 94, Atomic Weight 244 & its discovery on December 14, 1940 (+Theory about April 4, 2022, NATO’s birthday)
A researcher in the community has put together a theory for April 4, 2022, the 94th day of the year, in light of the return to Pluto, like Plutonium, having Atomic Number 94, and reminding that the World Trade Centers, from Manhattan (like the “Manhattan Project”), opened on April 4, 1973, the 94th day of the year. Thus, April 4, 2022 will be the 49-year anniversary.
NATO established April 4, 1949
Something I will add is that Plutonium was discovered on December 14, and we saw how Steph Curry paid tribute to September 11, 2001 on December 14…
Plutonium = 102
Chernobyl = 102
Art of War = 102
World War = 102
*al-Qaeda = 102
-9/11 attacked simulated 102-days before attack
-9/11 attack reportedly lasted 102-minutes
-9/11 plan went into motion in 1968
–Nuclear War = 49 / 68
Keep in mind 9/11 took place mostly in Manhattan, the (212) area code, and World Nuclear Energy Day is celebrated on December 2, or 2/12, like 212, because…
And recall WTC construction began on August 6, 1968, the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. At the same time, the WTCs were attacked 116-days after the Pope’s birthday, connecting to the fact that Chernobyl took place on the 116th day of ’86.
Reactor Number 4.
WTCs opened on 4/4.
Military = 44
Nuclear War = 44
*February 25, 2022 is a span of 86-days from December 2
*February 26, 2022, the anniversary of the WTC bombing, is 86-days after December 2
-Nuclear Attack = 86
And for a bit more, its Eagle Eye.
–Pripyat, Ukraine = 86
And yes, the Manhattan Project did conclude on August 15, 1947, the 413th birthday of the Jesuit Order.
And notice where 244 fits in with Daniel 2:44 and the destruction of earth.
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Hiroshima = 285 (J)
Address of One World Trade Centre is #285.