Police find body of Miya Marcano in Florida, October 2, 2021

Missing Blonde Girl News Police State

The police have found the missing woman who is not white like Gabby Petito, on 10/2, or 102 day.
Police = 102
*Slavery = 102 (The story in the top middle)

Notice this story is out of Florida, similar to Gabby Petito…


She disappeared on a date with 54 and 74 numerology.
9/24/2021 = 9+24+20+21 = 74
9/24/21 = 9+24+21 = 54

Killing = 74 *Occult = 74 *Masonic = 74 *Jesus = 74 *Cross = 74
Jesuit Order = 54

She disappeared on the 24th.
Miya = 24
The Sun = 24

Notice what is encoded in her name, Miya Marcano, or M.M., or 13.13.

113, # of deception (From Talmud)
Green Screen = 113 / 184
America = 50 *Utah = 50 (Gabby Petito story out of Utah)
Blood Sacrifice = 67 *Human Sacrifice = 67
-67, 19th prime number (19 years old)

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