Police respond to University of North Carolina active shooter alert, Monday, August 28, 2023

The ritual lasted from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM? That’s a lot like 23 and 33.

There was a man who went to UNC, who wore #23 (think Michael Jordan).

Today is the 193rd day of Michael Jordan’s age (born February 17, 1963).
193, 44th prime number
Shooting = 44
Gun Fire = 44
Mass Shooter = 44
*Execution = 44
*Military = 44
*Soldier = 44
*Infantry = 44
*Kill = 44
1963, the year MLK gave the I Have A Dream speech, on this day, August 28.
MLK was killed on 4/4 in a shooting.

*Recall the 44 ritual they did with James Harden and the Michigan State shooting victim in Game 4, May 7, 2023. *Asian = 44 *James Harden = 44
*Harden sent that game to overtime as one of several 44 tributes. *Overtime = 44
As for MLK, he was killed in a very clear Jesuit ritual, on the 95th day of the year, and Jordan’s father was found off US 74’s and I-95’s intersection.
Roman Catholic Church = 193
The conclusion was also 15:30 military time.
Jesuit Order = 153
The Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses.
And once again, November 3 will be Kobe’s 27th anniversary of debuting in the NBA, and that day Jordan’s Bulls play his hometown Brooklyn.
The National Basketball Association = 113
Michael Jordan = 113
Kobe Bryant = 113
That game is on the 223rd day of his wife’s age.
Brooklyn New York = 223
That game is 67 days after today.
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
North Carolina = 67
Recall Jordan’s trip to Italy on July 6, or 6/7.
Italy = 67
That was 201 days after the Pope’s birthday.
It reminds us of the first major gun control legislation coming in 1968, 201 days after MLK’s assassination.