Pope Francis & Pope Benedict receive coronavirus vaccine, January 14, 2021 (as predicted)
As predicted this past weekend, Pope Francis has received his “coronavirus” vaccine on Thursday, January 14, 2021, the date with 56 numerology.
1/14/2021 = 1+14+20+21 = 56
And let us not forget that ‘pope’ equates to 56 either.
Thus, why the last two popes received it today.
Keep in mind, today is can be written 1/14, like 114.
Today is a span of 93 days to Benedict’s upcoming 94th birthday.
*Coronavirus Pandemic = 94
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The UK Government just put out a “Stay at Home” advert called “Look Into My Eyes” featuring “Katrina Mason,” “Mandy Pope” a 38 year old and all our favourite Coronavirus numbers.
Look Into My Eyes=67/68
Just tagged you in this tweet: https://twitter.com/AnthonyCDavison/status/1353348342852558851?s=20
Link to the main Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/society/video/2021/jan/22/look-into-my-eyes-uk-government-launches-hard-hitting-stay-at-home-advert-video?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other