Prosecutors looking at all actors, including Trump, for Capitol Hill breach of January 6, 2021

Looking at all actors = 110 *President = 110
Actors? You won’t find a more honest headline about the well orchestrated breach of Capitol Hill. I suspect this episode will be on Trump’s IMDB before long.
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“Prosecutors looking at all actors, including Trump” = 555 (English Ordinal) – Washington Monument is 555 ft above ground.
“Prosecutors looking at all actors, including Trump” = 222 (Single Reduction)
“Trump” = 222 (Reverse Satanic)
“Order Out Of Chaos” = 222 (Reverse Ordinal)
“January 7, 2021” = 606 (Reverse English Sumerian)
“Prosecutors looking at all actors, including Trump” = 606 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Washington” = 49 (Full Reduction)
“Revelation” = 49 (Full Reduction)
“Prosecute” = 49 (Reverse Full Reduction)
1+7+20+21 = 49
America = 49