Public Enemy’s new album ‘What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down’ releases September 25, 2020
Notice, the new Public Enemy album released September 25, or 25/9, like 259.
The name of the album ‘What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down’ equates with ‘Public Enemy’ and the Jesuit Motto ‘Ad maiorem Dei gloriam’.
9/25/20 = 9+25+20 = 54 *Jesuit Order = 54
Recall what Janet Napolitano said about the power grid going down being the next 9/11.
January 24, or 24/1, like 241, is the 53rd prime, a fitting date for news about a ‘Cyber 9/11’.
It was a date with 58 numerology as well.
1/24/2013 = 1+24+20+13 = 58
Her remarks came 56 days after her birthday.
*Society of Jesus = 56 *Washington D.C. = 56
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the former leader of the american jesuit conference told us “the church will suffer” on sept 27 next month when the jesuits were estbalished.
The next step to advance the surveillance state could very well be a cyber attack blamed on ‘terrorists’