Purple Rain turns 40 years old, July 27, 2024, 431 weeks after Prince’s departure
Prince died 43 days after Trump’s 70th birthday (Election=43, Killing=43, Masonic=43, RIP=43).
You could also say he died on Trump’s 44th day of his age, en route to Trump becoming the 44th person to be US President (similar to how Minneapolis is on the 44th Meridian West).
Prince died 201 days before the election, where Bill and Hillary conceded in purple (The Jesuit Order=201, Order of Illuminati=201, Order of Assassins=201).
Prince died on the Queen’s birthday (Purple=88 — the color of royalty — Trump=88).
Prince had the song on Purple Rain, I Would Die 4 U. U is the 21st letter, and Prince died on 4/21, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday (Elizabeth=88).
Purple is associated with poison (Poison=88, Arsenic Poisoning=88).
This year marked the 8th anniversary of Prince’s death.
Prince had the song Black Donald Trump, and in 2024, Trump has a lot more of the black vote, as he runs against a black woman. The last time he beat a woman, it was Hillary, and her husband was Bill Clinton, often called “the first black President.” Go figure, he was #42 (but totally white).
Don’t forget Vanity died before him, the day of the 58th Grammy’s, which jumped off the year of the 58th US Presidential Election (Purple Rain=58, Freemasonry=58, Rosicrucian=58, Secret Society=58). One more time, Trump announced he was running from the 58-story Trump Tower and hired the 58-year-old Steve Ray for Inauguration Day.
And don’t forget Prince died 47 days before his birthday on June 7, or 7/6 (Donald John Trump=76).
Trump=47, President=47, White House=47, Government=47, Authority=47, DC=47
For one last point, it is 431 weeks and days since Prince died, and 431 is the 83rd prime number. Let us not forget that Purple Rain was recorded in ’83, the year I Would Die 4 U was written, and the year Murder by Numbers was written (Murder=83, *Mother=83 *Election=83). On the subject of mother, Prince’s mom’s passing anniversary is the day Vanity ended up dying on, February 15, the 46th day of the year (Sacrifice=46 — Genesis 46).
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This man claims to have predicted this death,ladies and gentlemen you WILL NEVER FIND ONE Blog POST, not ONE VIDEO, NO EVIDENCE at all. I was here back then he did not predict this, in fact the Megadeth dude who use to call in and pointed out how Prince could likely be next since Vanity died. That was the convo and now he has changed the narrative to “I SAID PRINCE BETTER WATCH OUT….” No HE SAID PRINCE BETTER WATCH OUT.