Putin threatens ‘lightning speed’ response to Mykolaiv interference, July 31, 2022

This latest from Russia vs. Ukraine comes on July 31, 2022, a Sunday, and the concluding date of the Ignatian Year, which began May 20, 2021.

This news comes 68-days before Vladimir Putin’s 70th birthday, October 7, 2022.
Recall, 68 has a lot to do with World War history, and this conflict began on February 24, 2022, a date with 68 numerology.
Helios = 68 (The Sun)
This is a very special Sunday
-Mykolaiv = 108 / 108 / 45 / 46
-Sun, moon, earth 108 relationship
-IHS = 45 / 36 (letters in Jesuit’s sun logo)
It is postal code 5400.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54

ALSO, going with the ongoing ‘Uranium’ theme…. is that today is Navy Day in Russia.
Navy Day = 29 / 34 / 92 / 97
Uranium = 34 / 47 / 92 / 97
-Ukraine = 34 / 47
AND, this news comes on a 44 date numerology.
Military = 44 / 55 / 107
Putin = 55 (Born on 10/7)
Lightning = 55
Conflict began on 55th day of year
*Satan = 55 (Comes to earth in lightning)

Today is 157-days after conflict began on February 24 (span of 158-days)