1. GregRamsey74 on January 9, 2021 at 8:08 pm

    “January Ninth” = 56 (Full Reduction)

    “January Ninth” = 70 (Reverse Full Reduction)

  2. AnthonyCDavison on February 17, 2021 at 5:59 am

    Did you hear about the Royal Baby announcement on Valentine’s day?

    Feb 14th can be written 2/14 or 14/2

    Royal Baby=142

    Announced 214 days from Prince Harry’s birthday, in the time of Coronavirus.

    Coronavirus 56/142
    Royal Family 56


    There was also this little 142/241 stunt with Jesuit Puppet Johnson 2 days later:


    One other UK story that may interest you is that Prince Charles got his Corona-jab 33 days after the Queen did:


    (The news of the Royal Baby also came 30 weeks 3 days from Harry’s birthday)

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