Queen Elizabeth tests positive for Covid-19, Sunday, February 20, 2022, on Prince Charles 99th day of his age

Catholic Church Coronavirus Jesuit New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Royal Family

This news comes Sunday, February 20, 2022, one week after Super Bowl 56, the Royal Family Bowl.
Royal Family 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
-Charles got sick on Pope’s 56th day of his age
-Today is 263-days after June 2, 2021, her coronation anniversary (56th prime)

Recall, Queen Elizabeth’s father died at age 56, February 6, 1952.

If she is to go on May 20, the date I am speculating on, that is 89-days from today.
Virus = 89

Charles recently became sick on his 89th day of his age, February 10, which means today is his 99th day of his age, like how his father recently died at age 99, on the 99th day of the year.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99

It is the 101st day of the Superior General’s age, Arturo Sosa (born November 12).
101, 26th prime
Queen = 26

It is 65-days after Pope Francis’ birthday.
United Kingdom = 65

Also, it is a ripe date for news out of London, England, February 20, or 2/20.
London, England = 220
February Twentieth = 220 / 95
-Today is 2-years and 20-days since the first case of Covid-19 in the U.K.
-That first came was January 31, 2020

Royal = 71 (20th prime) *Death = 20


For a bit of history, this comes on the anniversary of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, which relates to vaccinations.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts = 62
Queen = 62


  1. AnthonyCDavison on February 22, 2022 at 11:01 am

    UK just recorded 205 deaths a span of 88 days before 20/5

    William Shakespeare, the first man to (supposedly) get the vaccine died on 20/5/2021
    (3rd paragraph) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-57234741

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