Quinn Coleman, son of former BET chief, dead at 31, August 16, 2020

Quinn Coleman, son of former BET Chief Debra Lee, has died at age 31, on the ‘kill’ date, August 16, 2020.
8/16/2020 = 8+16+20+20 = 64
8/16/2020 = 8+16+(2+0+2+0) = 28
8/16/20 = 8+16+20 = 44

Link: https://variety.com/2020/music/news/quinn-coleman-debra-lee-song-dead-dies-1234738125/
He did not choose his name wisely.
Spiccoli = 86 *Blood Sacrifice = 86 *Human Sacrifice = 86
Debra Lee turned 66 years old on August 8, 2020.
66, 11th triangular number
31, 11th prime (Her son was 31)
Notice how Black Entertainment Television fits in.

He was 31.