Rafael Nadal pass Novak Djokovic in Grand Slams, winning his 21st at the Australian Open, January 30, 2022
After being tied at 20, Nadal passes Djokovic with his 21st Grand Slam win, January 30, 2022, 241-days after his 35th birthday.
241, 53rd prime
Novak Djokovic = 53
1/30/22 = 1+30+22 = 53
-Last year Novak won the 53rd edition of the current Australian Open
-This year Nadal wins the 54th edition
—Jesuit Order = 54
—Jesuit = 21
Recall, Nadal got the most attention when Novak Djokovic was being booted from the Australian Open.
I have little doubt Novak will be back on top with 22 Grand Slams before long. This ritual takes place 253-days after his birthday.
253, 22nd triangular number
Jesuits = 22
’22 (The year is 2022)
And do you think Nadal wore purple in tribute to Pfizer’s vaccine?
Rafael Parera = 57 / 78 / 102 / 222
Vaccine = 57
-Rafael Parera = 102
-Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline merged 102-weeks before vaccine approval
Jesuit = 78
Wuhan Coronavirus = 78 / 222