Rapper Cam Coldheart’s death at 33, April 24, 2021, the date of the DMX Memorial

Entertainment Murder by Numbers News

Cam Coldheart, C.C., is dead at 33.

Notice he died 45 days after his birthday, or on his 46th day of his age.

Hip Hop = 45
Ritual = 45

Rap = 46
Sacrifice = 46
Svengali = 46


He died on a date with 49 numerology as well, the date of the DMX Memorial.

4/24/21 / 4+24+21 = 49

Cam Coldheart = 103 (10/3 birthday, March 10)

Dark Man X = 49

Read more about his premature passing here.


  1. GregRamsey74 on April 29, 2021 at 5:51 pm

    “Cam Coldheart’s Murder” = 201 (English Ordinal)
    “Cam Coldheart Died on The Day of DMX’s Memorial” = 201 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “Coldheart” = 49 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Memorial” = 49 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “Coldheart” = 41 (Full Reduction)
    “DMX” = 41 (English Ordinal)
    “Memorial” = 41 (Full Reduction)

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