The Latest 201 | Rashida Jones named as first black person to run a major cable news network, 56 days before Black History Month start, December 7, 2020

Black Lives Matter Celebrity Jesuit News Racism

What a sick joke, on the 59 date numerology.

12/7/2020 = 12+7+20+20 = 59 *Negro = 59 *Slave = 59 *Blues = 59

Notice below, she’ll begin her place as head of MSNBC on February 1, 2020, the first day of ‘Black History Month’, which ends on the 59th day of the year.

*February = 42 *Slavery = 42 *Nigger = 42 *Bus = 42

And for the kicker, this news comes 56 days before February 1, 2020.

Black Lives Matter = 56 *Society of Jesus = 56

And for the clincher, her name Rashida Jones equates to 201.

For related information, read about the death of the black actress Natalie Desselle-Reid from ‘colon’ cancer’:


  1. David G. Olsen on December 7, 2020 at 6:19 pm

    She starts 2/1/21 like Jesuit=21 and like MSNBC will be pushing agenda 21. The date can be written 1/2/21 kind of like “the Great Conjunction” date. From 12-21-20 to 2-1-21 is 42 days again like Jesuit and the most fitting number to kick off Black History Month.

  2. k1 on December 8, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    Masonic Ritual= 56
    Lest We Forget=56

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