Richard Lewis dies shortly after Season 12 of Curb Your Enthusiasm releases on HBO (and the CIA’s heart attack gun)

Celebrity Death Entertainment Federal Government Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Technology

Richard Lewis died February 27, 2024, 23 days after the latest season of Curb Your Enthusiasm released. As we know, ‘end’ equates to 23 in gematria. *End=5+14+4=23

He also died 9 days after his final episode that aired while he was alive, which premiered February 18, 2024. 23 is the 9th prime number, and 9 represents completion.

And adding to the ritual, he died 126 days before Larry David’s July 2, 2024 birthday. It is a reminder that Matthew Perry died 126 weeks after HBO’s Friends’ special.

*Larry David’s birthday is July 2, or 7/2

And as we know, HBO was founded by the Jesuit, Charles F. Dolan. The death came 134 day after his 97th birthday, October 16, 2023. *The Jesuits=134

Matthew Perry died at 54 on the day leaving 54 days in the year
-He died the night of the Hunter’s Moon *Hunter’s Moon=54 & 54

The death also came 72 days after the Pope’s birthday, the first Jesuit Pope, who took office on the 72nd day of the year, March 13, 2013, 99 days before Tony Soprano died in Italy. *Sopranos=99 and that show debuted on HBO in ’99.

He also died on the day leaving 307 days in the year, going with ‘Lawrence Gene David.’
Lawrence Gene David=307 (63rd prime) *John Carroll=63 & 54
-The HBO founder went to John Carroll University

Notice also how ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ and ‘heart attack’ equate to 108.

He died 243 days after his own birthday. *Central Intelligence Agency=243

The CIA reportedly has a heart attack gun.

Keep in mind the news of his death breaks one day after his passing, on February 28, or 2/28.
Heart Attack Gun=228 *Death=228 (Sumerian)

Read about the CIA and 201 here.

Read about Curb Your Enthusiasm and 201 here.

For one last point, Richard Lewis is dead 44 weeks and a day after his Parkinson’s news, in the fourth month, April 24, 2023. *Kill=44 *Execution=44


  1. KnowKnot01 on March 11, 2024 at 3:08 pm

    Matt died at 64, leaving 64 days. Just thought you should know.

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