Richfield, Minnesota school shooting, February 1, 2022, on Tim Walz’s 302nd day of his age

Federal Government Jesuit Mass Shooting Murder by Numbers News

This shooting story has just knocked this shooting story from Virginia out of the headlines, also from today, February 1, 2022.
Richfield = 74
Active Shooter = 74
-Today is 74 days before anniversary of VT shooting

Richfield has other familiar gematria.
Richfield = 56
Adam Peter Lanza = 56
-Sandy Hook shooting 56-years after school established in ’57
Society of Jesus = 56
–February = 42
–Jesuit = 42
–Gun = 42

And this story of death comes out of Minnesota.
Minnesota = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
Death = 38
RIP = 38

Think of George Floyd on the corner of 38th Street, killed by a 44-year-old officer. In this case, the school is on the 44th Parallel, like Minneapolis.
Kill = 44
Officer = 44
Shooting = 44
Execution = 44

Where the Virginia shooting was a 201 ritual, this one is a 93.
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 93
Minneapolis, Minnesota = 93
-On the 93rd Meridian

This comes on the Governor’s 302nd day of his age, Tim Walz.

It also comes 64-days before his birthday.
School Shooting = 64
Law Enforcement = 64
Kill = 64

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