Robert Crimo III backs out of plea deal as Supreme Court says White House can continue to press social media giants to remove “disinformation,” June 26, 2024, one day after George Orwell’s birthday anniversary
Holy censorship. It’s 1984.
This ruling comes one day after George Orwell’s birthday anniversary.
Jesuit Order=54 & 144 *Censorship=54, 54 & 144
-George Orwell wrote 1984
–Jesuit=84 *The Jesuit Order=84 *The Catholic Church=84
–United States of America=84
-We are in the time of the first Jesuit Pope
-His birthday has 84 date numerology (12+17+19+36=84, Dec. 17, 1936)
-He is the 266th Pope and today is 26/6 *Iesus Hominum Salvator=266
FYI, George Orwell died young, at age 46 (Genesis 46, Sacrifice=46 *Catholic=46).
He would have turned 121 this year, and the date he died can be written 1/21, or 21/1.
As for 21/1, it is like 211 (47th prime) & he died in his 47th year of life, prior to his 47th birthday.
Robert Crimo is responsible for the July 4, or 4/7 shooting, and he had the 47 car, and the 47 tat on his face, plus more. Notice this is a top story next to the Supreme Court’s Orwellian ruling.
White House=47
-The long list of 47s with every President
The Masons study the 47th Problem of Euclid (it has to do with foundation).
Foundation=47 (4th of July, or 4/7, like 47)
Read about Robert Crimo III’s shooting in the town outside of Chicago that Hollywood likes to film movies in. It happened July 4, 2022.
Read past articles on Bobby Crimo here.
My YouTube channel was deleted for the first time in 2017, on June 28, Elon Musk’s birthday, shortly after Donald Trump became President of the United States.
The two states used in the case are Missouri and Louisiana.
First it is the number 42 in ‘Missouri.’ (We’ll see the 57, 93 & 123 for another time)
-The Chiefs of Missouri became 4-2 in Super Bowls on 42nd day of the year
Computer=42 *Internet=42 *Facebook established 4/2 (Feb 4, 2004)
-Facebook established the same day DARPA’s Life Log ended
-DARPA is the technology wing of the United States military
–Jesuit=42 *Freemason=42 *Knowledge=42
-The 42nd day of the year is the Vatican’s birthday
–New Testament=42 (42 generations to Jesus)
–New=42 (New World Order)
Think about how we learn the Americas were called the New World after Columbus, who had his voyages paid for by the Catholic Church.
As for the 101 in Louisiana, it is the 26th prime, and this news comes on the 26th.
As we know 26 has to do with God, in Hebrew and in English, and in the Bible.
God=26 (Adam=26, made in 26th verse, Genesis 1:26)
-Read Chapter 1 of my first book (Letters & Numbers) for more on the numbers 26 & 101.
Also, the 38 in Louisiana is important because DC is on the 38th Parallel.
The list goes on.
This ruling is the death of the idea of the United States of America.
They etch on the Masonic Temple, “All is number.”
*Robert Crimo III=163 (38th prime)
*Today is 151 days after John Roberts birthday, and 26/6.
Iesus Hominum Salvator=266 (Jesuit motto)
Jesus Christ=151
-151, 36th prime number
-666, 36th triangular number
–Computer=666, Internet=666
-Apple’s first computer for $666.66.
–Genesis=666 (don’t bite the fruit)
*Today is 227 days after the Superior General’s birthday
-227, 49th prime *Washington=49 *America=49 *Catholicism=49
-It is the 228th day of his age. *United States of America=228
*Today is the 193rd day of the Pope’s age *Roman Catholic Church=193
-It is 192 days after his birthday (Skull and Bones is 192 years old)
-DC is the (202) area code. *Skull and Bones=202
The trial date for Robert Crimeo was set on 20/2 (February 20, 2024)
Today is 723 days after the shooting.
Today is 127 days after the trial was set and the day leaving 188 days in the year.
Bavarian Illuminati=188 & 127
John Robert has a January 27, or 1/27 birthday.
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The video game Hitman is about millionaire criminals who create clones — MK Ultras? — to carry out murders. The main character is Agent 47, he is the 47th clone, he escapes from his programmers, and then is hired by the International Contract Agency (ICA) — CIA? —, which is now managed by controller Diana Burnwood.
Agent = 47
Killing = 74
Four and seven = 144 / 54
Jesuit Order = 144 / 54
How can you talk about censorship when you’re the same tyrant, deleting SWITZERLAND 10+ days over the last two weeks on your platform only for posting their death prediction of Jerry West.
What a damn hypocrite. SHAME ON YOU, you still haven’t apologized, you’ll regret it.
Nineteen eighty four = 266