Robert Kraft invites Tom Brady to opening game, May 11, 2023, 12-weeks before Tom’s 46th birthday

This news comes Thursday, May 11, 2023
Tom Brady = 35 & 46
Thursday = 35 & 46
Eye = 35 & 46 (Eye on the US $ bill since ’35)
The football is the eye. Think about it.
*Football = 35
*Super Bowl = 35
The first Super Bowl winning score was 35, Packers over Chiefs.
The Bears won with the revolutionary 4-6 defense, 46-10, in their only Super Bowl win to date, over the Patriots. Go figure the gematria of ‘Chicago.’
Chicago = 35 & 46
Catholic = 35 & 46
Holy See = 35
But more importantly, this news comes exactly 12 weeks before Brady’s 46th birthday, August 3, 2023. And in light of it being aligned with his 46th birthday, let us not forget the NFL began in Chicago…

Watch this broadcast below by the Sunday Night Football broadcast, where they give a “numerology lesson” on the number 12, in a game between the #12 Tom Brady, and #12, Aaron Rodgers. Of course, ‘Tom’ beat ‘Aaron’ in that same game.
Tom = 12 (12 was the lesson)
Aaron = 22
And as for it being ‘Sunday’ night football, notice the 84 days (that is 12 weeks).
Sunday = 84 & 78 & 21
Jesuit = 84 & 78 & 21
United States of America = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
Savior = 84
And notice, the third game the Patriots released for the year is November 12, 2023 vs. the 201 team, Indy, who Tom Brady got his first NFL win against, September 30, 2001, 19 days after 9/11 and the 19 hijackers (recall where 19 and 201 come together with the sun and time).
Brady born 201 years after Illuminati
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Heliocentrism = 201
-All the other Brady 201 annual rituals…
-The Sun card is the 19th Tarot card
November 12 will be the leader of the Jesuit Order’s 75th birthday, Arturo Sosa.
Catholic Church = 75
New World Order = 75
75 is 7+5 = 12
They (the Catholic Church) gave us the 12 months, and the 12 hour half days concept that is normal to us, goin with Tom Brady being a #12, and a football field being a total of 120 yards long.
Keep in mind this ritual comes 122 days before the opener, September 10.
National Football League = 122
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122
Pope Francis = 122
San Francisco = 122
-The City on the 122nd Meridian
-With the parallels to Pope Francis via St. Francis of Assisi

This news also comes on the 131st day of the year. A number Brady has experienced 6 times with the Patriots. If you are new here, 131 is very important to the rigging system.
Super Bowl = 131
Championship = 131
131 is also the 32nd prime number.
America = 32 (32 teams)
NFL = 32
7+4+1+7+7+6 = 32
The NFL, “America’s game.”
9/11, Patriot Act, non-stop Tom Brady and the Patriots.
It’s child’s play, for a society of children, wearing the “real men’s” names on their back, like Brady’s.

Kraft = 56 (5/6 birthday)
Society of Jesus = 56
Pope = 56
This comes 25 days before Kraft’s birthday.
Pope = 25
Falcons = 25
Never forget the 25 point comeback, on 2/5, over the Falcons, in Super Bowl 51, on the Pope’s 51st day of his age, the only Super Bowl Pope Francis has blessed.
Rome = 51
Conspiracy = 51