Russia nears milestone in victory in taking control of the Donbas Region, June 9, 2022, 201-days after Joe Biden’s birthday

Catholic Church Government Jesuit Military New World Order News War World War

Notice, this is the news on June 9, or 6/9, while Vladimir Putin is 69-years-old.
Vladimir Putin = 69
New World Order = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69
Catholic Church = 69
*Donbas Region = 69
Illuminati = 69 / 120

Today is 120-days before Putin’s upcoming birthday, October 7, 2022.

Today is also 105-days after the February 24, 2022 military conflict began.
Order of Illuminati = 105 / 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Donbas Region = 201

Today is 201-days after Joe Biden’s birthday, and a year ago today Biden warned Russia not to mess with Ukraine. That was before Biden and Putin met on December 7, 2021, 201-days after the Ignatian Year began, in a meeting that lasted 2:01 in length (2-hours, 1-minute).

For a bit more, today is 174-days after Pope Francis birthday.
New World Order = 174 / 177
The Jesuit Order = 177
-Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201


  1. Sean on June 9, 2022 at 11:41 am

    There’s a breaking story in the Mail of two Brits sentenced to death by Russian separatists in Ukraine, one of the soldiers is called Shaun Pinner which is perfect match with Freemasonry

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