Russian cosmonauts perform second space walk of eleven, September 9, 2021
The first astronaut named, has a surname equating to 99, going with the date, 9/9.
Novitskiy = 54 / 144
Jesuit Order = 54 / 144
Today is his 333rd day of his age. 3+3+3 = 9 (9/9 date)
As for Pyotr Dubrov, his name equates to 59 in the most pure cipher, and today has 59 date numerology.
9/9/2021 = 9+9+20+21 = 59
NASA established in ’58
This news comes on his 223rd day of his age.
It is his 223rd day of being 43 years old.
He was born in ’78.
Jesuit = 78
Scottish Rite = 78
The first walk was September 3, or 3/9, the second is today, the day leaving 113 days in the year (30th prime), and the next is September 12, or 12/9. Thus, 30, 39, 129…
America = 129
*Synagogue = 129
And there are going to be 11 walks, go figure.
Also, notice that August 24 was the date of the walk that is now scheduled for 12/9, like 129, and August 24 leaves 129 days in the year.
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Oleg Novitskiy = 69 – The Jesuit Order = 69