Sandra Bullock’s partner Bryan Randall dies after ALS battle, August 5, 2023

Celebrity Death News

He died August 5, or 8/5.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85 & 122
Bryan Randall = 122
Satanic = 50 / 122
San Francisco = 50 / 76 / 122 / 202
Bryan Randall = 50 / 76 / 122 / 202

Sandra Bullock just turned 59, July 26, 2023.
7/26/2023 = 7+26+20+23 = 76

The Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco, on the 122nd Meridian West.

He was born in Portland, Oregon, also on the 122nd Meridian West.

Also, August 5 was 266 days after Arturo Sosa’s birthday, and we are in the time of the 266th Pope, the first Jesuit, Pope Francis.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 & 85 (8/5 date)

*That means he died on the 118th day of his age, having been born on April 10.
Death = 118 (Jewish)
Homicide = 118 (Jewish)

*That means he died in his 58th year of life, on a date that can be written 5/8.
Secret Society = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Fraternal = 58
*Pope Francis = 58

This comes 64 days after the anniversary of ALS being made known within society, June 2, 1941.

There are 64 spaces on the chessboard.

Freemasonry pays tribute to the chessboard with their flooring.
Scottish Rite = 57
Freemasonry = 58

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