Satya Nadella’s son dies at 26, February 28, 2022, on Pope Francis’ 74th day of his age, after his donation to Seattle Children’s Hospital on his 260th day of his age (Biblical)
Notice that his child died 193-days after his August 19 birthday, and on the 59th day of the year. Of course, 193 is the 44th prime number, and both 44 and 59 connect to kill.
Kill = 44 / 59
Seattle = 44 (Notice the bit about Seattle Children’s Hospital)
His son also died on February 28, or 2/28.
Death = 228
And as for the Jesuit fingerprints, this comes while Satya Nadella is 54-years-old, and it comes on a 72 date numerology.
Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
2/28/2022 = 2+28+20+22 = 72
And on top of that, Cerebral Palsy equates to 56 and 79.
Society of Jesus = 56 / 79
Cerebral Palsy = 56 / 79
Also, don’t overlook that the death came 27-weeks and 4-days after his birthday, or 6-months and 9-days.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274
Seattle Children’s Hospital = 274
–The Jesuit Order = 69
Or that his son is dead at 26 in the time of ‘Pisces.’
Pisces = 26
*God = 26
Jesus rules the age of Pisces and he is dead on Pope Francis’ 74th day of his age.
Jesus Christ = 74 / 59
As for the donation to the children’s hospital, it was May 5, 2021.
May 5 is 5/5 like 55
God = 55 / 26
-Son dead at 26
Satan = 55
That was Satya’s 260th day of his age, or 259-days after his birthday.
Roman Catholicism = 259
There are 260 chapters in the New Testament, where Jesus sacrifices his son.
God = 26
-Son dead at 26
What else is interesting is Seattle Children’s Hospital equates to 1318, reminding of Revelation 13:18, about 666 and the number of the beast.
Computer = 666
Internet = 666
-Microsoft, computer company on 47th Parallel
–Beast = 47
And on the same day as this headline, here is how CNN paid tribute to 1318.
Ukraine = 47
President = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
We are fighting for our life = 121
Revelation = 121
-We are fighting for our life = 257 (55th prime)
-Satan = 55
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In the picture of Zlain (where his dad has his arm across little Zlain’s neck), when he was ~2yo, he appears to be using his right hand, can wee. As far as limited communication skills; when a child has been axphixiated to the point that they are blind, there’s usually no communication going on.
In the picture of Zlain (where his dad has his arm across little Zlain’s neck), when he was ~2yo, he appears to be using his right hand & can see. As far as limited communication skills; when a child has been axphixiated to the point that they are blind, there’s usually no communication going on.