SCOTUS briefly posts abortion opinion in error, Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Abortion Catholic Church Elections Federal Government Jesuit Legal News Politics Secret Societies

The last abortion ruling leak was May 2, 2022, just before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, June 24, 2022, meaning the 2nd anniversary just passed 2 days ago. It goes with it happening in ’22, and the leaking coming on the 122nd day of the year, similar to Roe v. Wade being decided on January 22, or 1/22, 122 days after Roe’s September 22 birthday.
Satanic=122 & 22 *Abortion=122

Today is June 26, or 26/6, like 266 . *Iesus Hominum Salvator=122 & 266

Pope Francis is the 266th Pope, the first Jesuit. *Pope Francis=266

When he spoke in DC, it was September 23, 2015, the 266th day of the year.

Today’s date numerology is 40. *6+26+(2+0+2+4)=40

And remember, Roe v. Wade was overturned on St. John the Baptist’s birthday celebration, June 24, 2022 (also Freemasonry’s birthday), and at the time, the Illuminati was 246, and the United States was just about to turn 246 years old.

Again, overturned on 24/6, like 246, while the Illuminati was 246.
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization=201
Order of Illuminati=201

Today is typically the 177th day of the year. *The Jesuit Order=201 & 177

Today is aksi 132 days before the election.

Recall when Antonin Scalia died on 13/2, and his body lay in repose at the Supreme Court on February 19, 2016 (he died on the 44th day of the year in the time of #44 *193, 44th prime number

Today is 219 days after Biden’s birthday, and there are 132 rooms in the White House.

The building is named after a Catholic architect.

the prior argument date, January 5, 2024, was 110 days before the April 24 argument. *EMTALA=110

The decision was 6-3, 63 days after these cases were argued, April 24, 2024.

That is exactly 9 weeks for 9 justices.

A judge wears a witch’s gown. And recall the thing about witch and broom.

Also, judge and gavel.

For one more on the 63 part, today leaves 188 days in the year.

Chuck Schumer has been in Federal Office since ’81. 2025 will mark 44 years.

Today’s ruling comes on the 193rd day of the Pope’s age (44th prime).
Roman Catholic Church=193

Today is 216 days after Chuck Schumer’s birthday. *Idaho v. United States=216
-216 is 6x6x6=216 (6-3 decision)
-Catholic Church=246 (24/6 overturning of Roe v. Wade)
-The Illuminati was 246 years old at the time
The Illuminati=63 (6/3 decision today)

Moyle v. United States=249 (The Illuminati & US will turn 249 in 2025)

For one last point, today is 733 days after Roe v. Wade was overturned, June 24, 2022.
733, 130th prime number *Washington=130 *Human Sacrifice=130

Today is also a span of 787 days from the May 2, 2022 abortion memo leak.
787, 138th prime number *Federal=138 *Donald Trump=138

The debate between Biden & Trump is tomorrow, and this story brings more attention to everyone’s favorite hot-button issue every single election cycle: abortion. RIP to all the little ones.


  1. Truther on June 26, 2024 at 11:05 pm

    How can you talk about censorship when you’re the same tyrant, deleting SWITZERLAND 10+ days over the last two weeks on your platform only for posting their death prediction of Jerry West.
    What a damn hypocrite. SHAME ON YOU, you still haven’t apologized, you’ll regret it.

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