Senate passes $13.6-billion in aid for Ukraine, with 68-yes-votes, March 10, 2022

Catholic Church Federal Government Jesuit Military New World Order News

Notice, the $13.6 billion for Ukraine was passed was passed with 68 yes votes, in the latest Art of War nod.
Catholicism = 68
Solar System = 68
Mathematics = 68

And notice, another $1.5 trillion! How much debt can one take on?

Today was 84-days after Pope Francis birthday, and 119-days after the Superior General’s.
Charles Ellis Schumer = 84
United States of America = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
Jesuit = 84
-Star of David = 119
-All Seeing Eye = 119
-Orthodox = 119
-Vatican = 119
-Francis = 119


  1. Miami Boy on March 11, 2022 at 5:41 am

    Madrid train 💣 anniversary today
    11/3 on the “cercanias” commuter train at 7:37
    Cercanias = 73 & 37
    Madrid = 113

  2. Miami Boy on March 11, 2022 at 6:31 am

    WWI started afer Fed established… then as it ends Spanish Flu kicks off..

    SOUNDS FAMILIAR? But in reverse

  3. mjhound on March 11, 2022 at 11:11 am

    The LDS church is working closely with Jesuit charities to help refugees in Poland at Kirkham Motorsports It’s a hey look at us we are doing good things for these poor people photo op of sorts It’s like the pedophile setting up shop to help the children but molesting them behind the scenes
    I bet most of the money sent over there won’t even be spent on “refugees” it is probably a money laundering operation and is going into the Vatican’s bank account or a Swiss bank account…. it’s easy to spend (launder) other people’s tithing money on refugees in other countries instead of homeless people here in Salt Lake City and the surrounding states because the “funds” (lack of funds here) would be easy to see as nothing much would change and it doesn’t. Every time I I see Mormon Church leaders, the old Alice Cooper song “Billion Dollar Babies” starts playing in my head LOL

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