Senate passes bill to help millions of vets exposed to toxic burn pits, August 2, 2022

Federal Government Jesuit Military Murder by Numbers New World Order News

This news for former soldiers comes August 2, or 8/2.
Sol-die-r = 82
Loyola = 82

This news comes on a 52 date numerology, like the 52 weeks of the year named after a Pope, the head of the sun cult. 8+2+20+22=52
Burn Pits = 52
Government = 52
Authority = 52
White House = 52
President = 52
*Pope = 52

This comes exactly 36-weeks after Chuck Schumer’s birthday.
IHS = 36 / 18
IHS are the letters in the Jesuit logo, the sun
Again, sol-die-r (sol is the sun) (r is the 18th letter)
-You have to be 18 to participate in combat
Sun = 18 (someone’s son becomes a sol-die-r)

Furthermore, there were 97 total votes, 86-11…

Burn Pits = 38 / 52 / 97 / 119
Death = 38 / 97

They passed the ‘Honoring Our PACT Act.’ Another 97.

Honoring Our PACT Act = 92 / 97 / 218 / 268
-August 6, 218th day of the year
-Uranium = 92 / 97

And as for those 86 votes… the toxic burn pits burn ‘military waste.’

Jesuits = 86

And again, to further that point about sol-die-r and 18.

Wars of the 20th and 21st century have had to do with resources, and largely oil.

Notice the perfect column.

Don’t forget the $0.18 cents a gallon federal tax on gas… or that the Jesuits have been in DC longer than the federal government…

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