Senate passes bill to help millions of vets exposed to toxic burn pits, August 2, 2022
This news for former soldiers comes August 2, or 8/2.
Sol-die-r = 82
Loyola = 82
This news comes on a 52 date numerology, like the 52 weeks of the year named after a Pope, the head of the sun cult. 8+2+20+22=52
Burn Pits = 52
Government = 52
Authority = 52
White House = 52
President = 52
*Pope = 52
This comes exactly 36-weeks after Chuck Schumer’s birthday.
IHS = 36 / 18
IHS are the letters in the Jesuit logo, the sun
Again, sol-die-r (sol is the sun) (r is the 18th letter)
-You have to be 18 to participate in combat
–Sun = 18 (someone’s son becomes a sol-die-r)
Furthermore, there were 97 total votes, 86-11…
Burn Pits = 38 / 52 / 97 / 119
Death = 38 / 97
They passed the ‘Honoring Our PACT Act.’ Another 97.
Honoring Our PACT Act = 92 / 97 / 218 / 268
-August 6, 218th day of the year
-Uranium = 92 / 97
And as for those 86 votes… the toxic burn pits burn ‘military waste.’
Jesuits = 86
And again, to further that point about sol-die-r and 18.
Wars of the 20th and 21st century have had to do with resources, and largely oil.
Notice the perfect column.
Don’t forget the $0.18 cents a gallon federal tax on gas… or that the Jesuits have been in DC longer than the federal government…