Senators led by 71-year-old Chuck Schumer working overnight, Tisha B’Av weekend, to pass ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ August 6-7, 2022

They began working on passing this bill late, Saturday, August 6, 2022, and aim to have it passed by today, Sunday, August 7. Notice they began with the process around 11:30 PM on the 6th. Thus they are working on the bill throughout Tisha B’Av, a time to remember destruction.
*August 7 will be exactly 233-days after Pope Francis’s birthday, a man who is big on climate change.
Inflation Reduction Act = 233
-51st Prime Number
-Federal = 51
-Rome = 51
–13th Fibonacci Number
–Moon = 51 (13 month cycle)
–Hebrew holidays dictated by moon

It is noteworthy this comes on the second and final day of Tisha B’Av since the Senate is led by the 71-year-old Jew, Chuck Schumer.
Temple = 71
Catholic = 71 / 46
-Temple Mount = 46
-Ordo Ab Chao = 46
-Chaos = 46
The days of Tisha B’Av are to remember the destruction of the temple.

This comes on his 258th day of his age.
*Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258
Both numbers are all over the ongoing climate change agenda over several decades time.
William Henry Gates = 201 / 258