Severe weather hampering rescue efforts in Turkey, February 7, 2023

This news comes Tuesday, February 7, 2023, a date with 52 numerology, the number of weather warfare. Again, the first act of weather warfare was admitted to on the Jesuit Order’s birthday, August 15, 1952, and not in that year by accident. Also, as we covered, the earthquake happened on the Pope’s 52nd day of his age.
Pope = 52
Devil = 52
Enlil = 52
Earth = 52
Flood = 52
Notice, they’re reporting at least “5,200” dead at this time.

And how about Ukraine sending “87” emergency staff? As we covered yesterday, the earthquake happened on the Superior General’s 87th day of his age.
The Catholic Church = 87
Number of the Beast = 87
Keep in mind today is the 38th day of the year. Expect the death toll to increase a lot.
Earthquake = 163 (38th prime)
Death = 38