Shelby County Jail, 201 Polar Ave., and the firing of the Tyre Nichols officers January 20, 2023

Notice the ‘Shelby County Jail’ equates to 201, and is at the address 201 Poplar Ave.

The cops were fired on January 20, or 20/1, the 201st day of the nation’s age.

And notice, the night they’re releasing the video, January 27, 2023, the Minnesota Timberwolves just happen to be hosting the Memphis Grizzlies.
George Perry Floyd = 201 / 102
102nd day of NBA season
Slavery = 102

Don’t forget the AG for Tennessee is a Jesuit, and the beating came on 102 days after he took office.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Art of War = 102