Shonka Dukureh, Elvis actress who portrayed Willie Mae Thornton, dead at 44, July 21, 2022

Astrology Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers News

Shonka Dukureh is dead at the tail end of ‘Cancer,’ at the age of 44.
Cancer = 44
Kill = 44

She just played the part of Willie Mae ‘Big Mama’ Thornton in the Elvis film.
Willie Mae = 44
Big Mama = 44

And as we know, 44 is fateful in black history especially.
African-American = 44
MLK killed on 4/4
Malcolm X killed on 44 date numerology
*Obama, #44

She also died 44-days before her September 3 birthday.

Keep in mind Cancer is the fourth sign, and she is dead four days before the anniversary of Willie Mae’s death, who passed, July 25, 1984, 38-years ago.
Thornton = 38
Dukureh = 38
-163, 38th prime
-July 21 leaves 163-days in the year
–Dukureh = 38 / 34
–Murder = 38 / 34
–7/21/2022 = 7+21+(2+0+2+2) = 34

She died on the 206th day of the year *Sacrifice = 206 (Jewish)

The Elvis movie released June 24, 2022, 27-days before her death.
Ritual = 27

And notice Willie Mae Thornton’s Hound Dog song came out in ’52. That was 70-years ago, and the actress died on a date with 70 numerology.
7/21/2022 = 7+21+20+22 = 70

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