‘Single suicide bomber’ blamed for Kabul airport explosion of August 26, 2021, 162-days later, February 4, 2022
Today is 162-days after the August 26, 2021 attack.
Sun Worship = 162 / 54 / 54
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
*Kabul Airport = 54
*Terrorism = 54
-Osama bin Laden dead on his 54th day of being 54-years-old
Recall, Afghanistan collapsed on the 487th birthday of the Jesuit Order.
487, 93rd prime
Sun, 93m miles away
Afghanistan +93 Intl. Dialing Code
-Recall the 9/3 attack at ‘Countdown’ in New Zealand right after
Today is 4/2.
February = 42
Jesuit = 42
And the term ‘Single Suicide Bomber,’ has the numbers as well.
Single Suicide Bomber = 191
Society of Jesus = 191
-Single Suicide Bomber = 322
-Military Industrial Complex = 322
-Abrahamic Religions = 322
-Ancient Mystery Religions = 322
-Skull and Bones, 322
Keep in mind this news comes on the 35th day of the year. As we covered then, the attack on the airport was on a Thursday, 35-weeks after Hamad Karzai’s birthday.
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Thursday = 35
Eye = 35
-The eye is the sun
ISIS-K = 238
Eye of Providence = 238 / 86
-Bombing 86-days before Biden’s birthday