Smiley Martin, accused Sacramento shooter, reportedly released from prison for unknown reasons on February 8, 2022, 54-days before the ‘Sunday’ shooting

Black Lives Matter Catholic Church Federal Government Jesuit Mass Shooting Racism Shooting

Smiley Martin, the accused Sacramento shooter, along with his brother, was reportedly released early from prison in February 8, 2022.
February = 42
Brothers = 42
Martin = 42
Gun = 42
Ammo = 42

Their records are in ‘Arizona.’
Arizona = 42

And he was seemingly released “without reason.”

Well, it’s obvious now, if this is true, it was to participate in the state / federal gun control agenda.

From his February 8, 2022 release to the April 3 shooting was 54-days (Gavin Newsom is 54-years-old). And of course that is the number of the Jesuit Order.

Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
-Sunday shooting
Jesuit = 42

As you know, 42 is used to shame black men. And so are 59 and 76, which in this case, fits in with the ‘Second Amendment’ undermining
Slave = 59 / 76
Negro = 59 / 76
Blues = 59 / 76
Rasta = 59 / 76

Smiley Allen Martin = 76 / 202 *Skull and Bones = 76 / 202
Smiley Allen Martin = 257 (55th prime) *Shooting on 55th day of his age

Recall the Sacramento church shooting of February 28, the 59th day of the year. And don’t forget this is synced with Pope Francis as well.
Pope Francis = 59

Also, don’t forget Gavin Newsom was the 42nd Mayor of San Francisco, the city named after St. Francis of Assisi, just like Pope Francis.

Last, notice his TMM tattoo.

TMM = 20+13+13 = 46
Catholic = 46
Chaos = 46
Ordo Ab Chao = 46


  1. clavis gematria on April 7, 2022 at 6:30 am

    His tattoo is “TMK”

    “K” at the end of abbreviations like that means “Killer” and refers to opposition gangs. Like “BDK” is “Black Disciple Killer” or “GDK” is “Gangster Disciple Killer”

  2. clavis gematria on April 7, 2022 at 6:35 am

    Oh apparently in this case his gang is TMK.

    His handles online are TMK Smiley

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