Songbird, a Michael Bay film about Covid-23, in a not so distant United States of America (to release in 2021)

This billboard is from the trailer of the film Songbird. 8,400,000?
Songbird = 43 / 47 / 48 / 128
-Pandemic = 43
-Government = 47 / Authority = 47
-Trump = 47 / 88
-Holy Roman Empire = 88 / 74
And you know what 84 means.
-United States of America = 84 *Jesuit = 84
And don’t forget that 1984 is the year Anthony Fauci took over.

Shortly after the scene above, they show the same person watching the Covid-23 news, then doing a facial scan with their phone to check and see if they have the virus.

In the film, the virus mutates to attack the brain, and when you scan positive, it looks like this.

And making that shot all the more interesting, is that it comes 1:28 into the trailer for the film, which is the 88th second, or something like 128.

Notice how Songbird equates to 88 and 128 (as well as 43 and 47).

This movie is done by the director of A Quite Place and The Purge, which are both apocalyptic films, full of predictive programming.

It’s certainly a movie for the times.

The producer is Michael Bay.

Not how his name overlaps with Gematria.

Society of Jesus = 56 / 79 / 191
Jesus Christ = 43 *Pandemic = 43 *Songbird = 43
And then there is “Adam Mason.” Ha!

The jokes never end.