S&P stock market hits record, August 18, 2020 | What Steve Mnuchin said April 26, 2020
A record on Wall Street on the day leaving 135 days in the year?
The CIA and Wall Street go hand in hand…
The head of the CIA is Gina Cheri Haspel.
Today is 322 days after her birthday.
Remember, Skull and Bones is an offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, and they identify by 322, and the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, died November 18, 1830, the 322nd day of the year. As for the Bavarian Illuminati… today is August 18th, or 18/8, like 188. Remember, the U.S. Dollar bill denominations add up to 188.
1+2+5+10+20+50+100 = 188
Keep in mind, it was the 117th day of 2020, where Steve Mnuchin said he expected the stock market to be back to where it was by the third quarter, which we are now in.
His remarks were made Sunday, April 26, 2020, the 117th day of the year, also connecting back to the CIA.
Don’t forget the overlap with ‘market’ and ‘CIA’.
From the date mentioned, February 19, to the August 18th record, is a span of 182 days. We’re in the year ‘Year of the Rat’.