Stabbing spree at Taylor Swift-themed workshop in Southport (UK), July 29, 2024
‘Southport’ has that fateful gematria (Southport=44, Execution=44, Kill=44).
Today has 44 date numerology (Caesar was stabbed in 44 BC).
Recall what happened to Bob Lee on April 4, 2023 (4/4, like 44).
Today is 137 days before Taylor Swift’s upcoming birthday.
Today is also the 137th day since the Ides of March, connected to the stabbing of Caesar, in 44 BC.
For one more, this ritual came 229 after Swift’s birthday (50th prime). Notice the overlap with ‘Satanic’ and Merseyside, where the stabbing happened.
229 is the 50th prime number
The Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco, on the 122nd Meridian West.
And here’s other reporting on the subject.
For a bit more gematria on ‘stabbing spree,’ notice the overlap with Church of Satan.
This ritual is synced with Swift’s 35th birthday (Satan=35, Baphomet=35, Catholic=35, Jesuitism=35).
Today also has 80 date numerology (Satan=80, Bavaria=80) (7+29+20+24=80)
137, 33rd prime
Society of Jesus=56
Recall, the founder of the Church of Satan, died in a very Jesuit “201 ritual,” not only 201 days from his own birthday, but from the sitting Pope’s birthday (at the time). Of course, now we’re in the time of the first Jesuit Pope, the first to live in Suite 201 (The Jesuit Order=201, Order of Illuminati=201).
Speaking of Pope, there’s a 52 part to today’s story (Pope=52).
Notice the stabbing was at The Hart Space (The Hart Space=52, Stabbing=52, *Heart=52).
It’s the 29th of the month. This story is to break hearts.
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Here comes that CORONA RAGE:
[The Devil’s Notebook] = 201 / 75 / 258 / 87
[Number of the Beast] = — / — / 258 / 87
Book by Anton LaVey.
Thanks for writing about this. I’m in the UK and it’s causing mass division in the communities between locals and immigrants, just as planned. What I’d like to know is, are these events just staged with actors, or are people really dying?
Southport = 152 ordinal
mass shooter = 152 ordinal
Southport =145 and 46 like the numbers of books and verses in catholic old testament
catholic = 145 46
The killers name axel is an alphanumeric anagram of the N word using theosophical reduction in all 4