Super Bowl 56 related deaths

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Sports
Bengals on their way to their third Super Bowl (Three = 56) (III)

William G. Batchelder III is dead at 79 on his 56th day of his age, the day before his nearby Cincinnati Bengals play in Super Bowl 56.
Society of Jesus = 56 / 79 / 191
William G. Batchelder III = 191 (43rd prime) / 133
-Football = 43 / 133

Keep in mind Xavier is 191-years-old right now.
Xavier University = 191

This man is dead 102-days after his birthday, on the day of Super Bowl 56, concluding the 102nd NFL season. Notice he is from Detroit, where Super Bowl 16 was, featuring the Bengals. Of course, Stafford, the Rams QB, just came over from Detroit as well, and Eminem, of Detroit, will be a halftime performer.
Frank Carl Beckmann = 66 / 105 / 147
-Cincinnati = 66
-Cincinnati Bengals = 105
-Bengals come into the game 13-7
Frank Beckmann = 76
Tiger = 76


  1. rondazeoli on February 13, 2022 at 11:10 am

    Hmmm.. wondering about my former employer, Al Glick, who owns Alro Steel. “Al Glick, long-time University of Michigan donor, most notable for the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital and the football program. Feb. 8. He was 95.
    Glick Fieldhouse of University of Michigan..

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