Tabby Diamond, singer for The Mighty Diamond, killed at 67, in drive-by shooting, March 29, 2022

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers New World Order News

Another entertainer killed at age 67.
Blood Sacrifice = 67 / 86
Human Sacrifice = 67 / 86
*The Mighty Diamonds = 86
Satanic = 67
Soul = 67

And notice, he was killed on March 29, or 29/3, like 293, the 62nd prime.
Sacrifice = 62
Faustian Bargain = 62

He was killed on a date with 74 numerology as well.
3/29/2022 = 3+29+20+22 = 74
-Killing = 74
3/29/22 = 3+29+22 = 54
-Jesuit Order = 54

It’s clockwork, year after year.

*His birthday is not online at this time.

St. Andrew, Kingston = 213 (Death = 213)

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