Tennessee school board censors Holocaust graphic novel, Maus, by Art Spiegelman, and becomes news on January 26, 2022

The vote was January 10, 2022, a date with 33 numerology.
1/10/22 = 1+10+22 = 33
Holocaust = 33
-137, 33rd prime
–Tennessee = 137 / 106 / 47
–Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev = 106 (Author’s full name)
–Spiegelman = 47
That was Art Spiegelman’s 330th day of his age, born February 15, 1948, the same year as Israel.
And the date January 10 can be written 10/1, like 101.
Spiegelman = 101
-101, 26th prime
-News coverage for this began on 26th of January

And notice the title of the book, ‘Maus.’
Maus = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
Censorship = 54 / 126 (News coverage began Wednesday, January 26, or 1/26)

His Hebrew name also goes with ‘Tennessee School Board.’

Abrahamic Religions = 92 / 322
Ancient Mystery Religions = 322
The Synagogue of Satan = 92 / 233
Keep in mind Maus was published in 1980, meaning it turns 42 in 2022, and the Holocaust began in ’42. The number 42 connects the entities involved.
Jesuit = 42
Zionism = 42
Freemason = 42
Holocaust = 42
World War = 42
*Art = 42

It was part of the Raw anthology.
Raw = 42

Even the more recent publication of the complete series was on November 19, the day leaving 42 days in the year, and in ’96. The divisors of 42 sum to 96.
Knowledge = 42 / 96

And don’t overlook what happened on January 15, 1942 (below). It reminds of the Covid pandemic and Bill Gates calling for the Final Solution after Covid showed up in his backyard on January 15, as the first confirmed case outside of mainland China.
Vaccine = 42
And think about The Man In High Castle releasing January 15, 2015, as well as Utopia, January 15, 2013.


For one last point, notice the image they chose, from Paris, France, from March 20, 2012.
Roman Catholic Church = 320
-March 12, 79th day of the year
-Society of Jesus = 79

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In Maus, he depicts the Jews as mice.
“Jews are Mice” = 666 (English Sumerian)
“Jews are Mice” = 48 (Full Reduction)
“Holocaust” = 48 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“The Holocaust” = 48 (Full Reduction)
The Germans are cats.
“Germans are Cats” = 54 (Full Reduction)
“Germans are Cats” = 144 (English Ordinal)
“Jesuit Order” = 54 (Full Reduction)
“Jesuit Order” = 144 (English Ordinal)
“Cat and Mouse” = 181 (Reverse Ordinal)(42nd prime)
The author’s quote ties in too, indicating he may not be as out of the loop as he is suggested to be.
“I’m kind of baffled by this” = 115 (Reverse Reduction)
“Subliminal Messages” = 115 (Reverse Reduction)
“Psychological Operations” = 115 (Reduction)
“Right Wing” = 115 (Ordinal)
“Anti-semite” = 115 (Ordinal)