Tesla stock rises 1.77% to $201 per share on the day of Elon Musk and Gavin Newsom meeting, February 22, 2023

This news comes 239 days after Elon Musk’s 51st birthday.
239, 52nd prime
Musk in 52nd year of life
California = 52
Gavin Newsom = 52

Today is 135 days after Gavin Newsom’s October 10 birthday.
Central Intelligence Agency = 135
–Government = 52
–Authority = 52

And notice the connection with HP and Tesla.
Hewlett Packard = 57
Tesla = 57
And on the day of this meeting between the Jesuit puppet Musk, and the Jesuit governor Newsom, the Tesla stock rose 1.77%, to about $201 per share.
The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201