Texas Longhorns unveil statue of first Black letterman Julius Whittier, November 27, 2020

In recent days we have discussed the death of David Dinkins at age 93, who ended his term in New York City as Mayor in ’93, and Dave Chappelle requesting Chappelle’s Show be taken down by Netflix on his 93rd day of his age. Of course, we have always talked about 93 and black history. Let us now add to the list, Julius Whittier.

Martin Luther King Jr. = 93 *Malcolm X = 93

Furthermore, this statue has been erected on a date with 42 numerology.
11/27/2020 = 11+27+(2+0+2+0) = 42
We know what 42 means.
Martin = 42 *Malcolm X = 42 *Slavery = 42 *February 42 *N*gger = 42 *Jesuit = 42

This news comes on the 144th day of Julius Whitter’s age,
Jesuit Order = 144

School = 72
Jesuit Order = 72
8/15/1534 = 8+15+15+34 = 72
And for one more point, today leaves 34 days in the year. First Black?

Also, today is typically the 331st day of the year, the 67th prime, and he wore the #67, as you can see in the statue.

Update: And notice how YouTube / Google pay tribute to 42 with this story with their fake traffic stats.

181, 42nd prime