The 3 students killed in Nashville were age 9, March 27, 2023 propaganda by the numbers

Federal Freemasonry Government Gun Control Mass Shooting News Shooting

All 3 children were age 9, in Nashville?

This comes comes on the 27th. 9+9+9=27…

Bob Iger, the villain?
Iger = 39
Robert = 39 (Robert Iger…)

Federal = 39 (ATF was on scene)
Masonry = 39
Gun Control = 139
139, 34th prime
Tennessee = 34

And recall the first tweet about the shooting was 39 minutes after the hour.

And notice the image below for the story… you can see the 33…

Read more about the shooting by the numbers and 33 here.

Tennessee = 137 (33rd prime)
Washington D.C. = 137 (33rd prime)
3 children, 3 adults…

Apparently the shooter lived at the address 3003.

Also, notice the gematria of ‘Covenant Presbyterian Church.’

It goes with today being 127 days after Joe Biden’s birthday, and the ‘Masonry’ theme.

Notice the shooting took place be 10:13 and 10:27

Again, it came 10-years and 103-days after the Sandy Hook shooting.

You could also say it is the 128th day of his age, and they’re saying this is the 128th shooting of the year.
-That’s 42 more shootings than days
Gun = 42
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42


  1. GregRamsey74 on March 27, 2023 at 4:59 pm

    -This is 43-letters
    “Killing” = 43

    This comes a span of 9-days from the anniversary of MLK’s assassination.
    “MLK” = 9

    “Nashville, Tennessee School Shooting” = 144

    “Gun Violence” = 127

    This comes 66-days before Tennessee’s birthday.
    “Mass Shooting” = 66

    Tennessee’s birthday is on 6/1.
    “Guns” = 61
    “Active Shooter” = 61
    “Church” = 61
    “Jesus” = 61

    Tennessee will turn 227-years-old this year.
    -277, the 49th prime
    “Gun Control” = 49

  2. RubyDavis369 on March 29, 2023 at 12:34 am

    Also the number 28 = Crazy (FR) and Assassinate (FR).

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